Alexandra Marzella using Google Tilt in reaction to Margot + Sonja

Pet Presents at National Sawdust
August 11 2016

The inaugural launch, the first in a six series showcase, featured live performances by BEAU, AZUL, MARGOT and SONJA, and an interactive VR experience with Tilt Brush.

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Alexandra Marzella using Google Tilt in reaction to Margot + Sonja

Pet Presents at National Sawdust
August 11 2016

The inaugural launch, the first in a six series showcase, featured live performances by BEAU, AZUL, MARGOT and SONJA, and an interactive VR experience with Tilt Brush.


Pet Presents at National Sawdust
August 11 2016

The inaugural launch, the first in a six series showcase, featured live performances by BEAU, AZUL, MAROT and SONJA, and an interactive VR experience with Tilt Brush.

shot by Cara Stricker


Pet Presents at National Sawdust
August 11 2016

The inaugural launch, the first in a six series showcase, featured live performances by BEAU, AZUL, MAROT and SONJA, and an interactive VR experience with Tilt Brush.

shot by Cara Stricker