

Directed by Frederick Paxton Londonewcastle Project Space, London UK
Conceived by the London-based artist and architect, Heidi Locher, and her son, the director and VICE Media photojournalist, Frederick Paxton, Locher seeks to contextualize her experience growing up in hotels (particularly in California) where, as a young girl from England, she felt socially and culturally disoriented.

“Hotel Kalifornia” investigates, through mixed media and installation, three critical stages in the artist’s life: CHILD, TEENAGER, and ADULT WOMAN; how each stage informs the next, and in some cases, how repetitious trauma precludes the artist’s ability to move forward.

Paxton directed Sonja in the “three phases of Heidi,” while she sought to capture the essence of the artist during these crucial imprinting stages. The video, shot on a Red-1 Phantom, looped continuously throughout a situational “hotel room,” where the viewer could interact (and confront) the traumas of living in isolated transience.